domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2012

Saving EXR Files using 3DS Max and Vray

Here you can find more interesting info about this file format:

There’s many formats to save a render file, I prefer EXR format in order to improve the postproduction workflow. We can get more fidelity in terms of image quality and precision than 8 and 16 bit image file formats. Another great feature of this kind of extension is the possibility to save all render passes in a single file.For this scene I’ll work with the passes shown in the example image.

Just before click render once finish all the scene process we can choose between save all the render elements we want (option 1) or just or the RGB image (option 2), but in both cases may sure you’re saving it from here:

For the option 1 (my example) you will need a PS/AE plugin called  ProEXR, in order to view all the passes once opened in PS or AE, otherwise you’ll view only the RGBA image.

With ProEXR pluggin

Without ProEXR pluggin

But if you don’t have ProEXR plugin, with the Vray recent versions can do it anyway (manually) just using the save all image channels directly from the VRBF and use the settings as shown in the image below.

And finally you can load them is PS/AE and get fun with post production process. I´m use PS and the load process is:

Load all you render passes saved previously

And Voila, You'll get all render passes Loaded and ready to use.

That´s all. Hope You like it.